Calculation with the accounting method

Calculation with countback method

Graphical visualization of DSO evolution

7 tips to reduce your DSO

Graphical visualization of DSO evolution

Calculation with the simple method

Calculation with countback method

7 tips to reduce your DSO

Download the model

How do I use this calculation model?

Fill in the form at the top of the page to download the Excel file.

Choose your calculation method and enter your sales and accounts receivable in the shaded columns.

Your DSO will be calculated automatically, and you can analyze its evolution month by month.

Calculating your DSO has never been so quick.

Download the model

+33 484 885 885

CashOnTime, the intelligent, comprehensive and collaborative cloud platform for automating your Order-to-Cash cycle.

Get your own DSO calculation model

DSO calculation model

The first step to reducing DSO? Start by calculating it.

Save time calculating your DSO. Download the Excel model, automatically calculate your DSO, visualize its evolution and take the strategic decisions necessary to reduce it.

DSO calculation Excel template

The first step to reducing DSO? Start by calculating it.


Since we started using CashOnTime, we've seen a very rapid improvement in our DSO (just a few months), with a saving of around twenty days.

Coordinator Sales Administration Group


They testify

During containment, we gained 15 days of DSO thanks to the implementation of CashOnTime.

Accounts receivable manager in charge of collections


Download the model

DSO calculation model